Car Rider

Car Riders

All car riders traffic (in mornings AND in afternoons) will enter and exit from the “upper” entrance where the NCSA school sign is.


Use the information below and the map above to determine which of the TWO CAR RIDER LANES you will use. 


“Location 1” is darker blue and it is the LEFT SIDE of the school. Follow the dark blue to the side of the school, then follow the red to exit. This lane is for:

  • All K, 1st, 2nd students and their siblings.
  • This will be the same during mornings and afternoons


“Location 2” is lighter blue and it is the BACK of the school. Follow the light blue to the back of the school, then follow the red to exit. This lane is for:

  • All other students.
  • This will be the same during mornings and afternoons

*Notice the arrows throughout the back parking lot. These show you which direction to travel. These also show you the places where there are two lanes of cars traveling and loading.


Both car rider lanes include traveling through different areas of campus, in and out through parking lots. This is being done so we can have more vehicles on campus (which means less blocking of Eagle Drive). Please note that most of the lane areas will have cars coming and going side by side. 


  • Do not drop off students prior to seeing the 7:05 a.m. car rider duty person at the car rider area. Doing so leaves your child unsupervised and unsafe.  Please keep your child safe.
  • Children remain in the vehicle until the 7:05 a.m. car rider duty people arrive.
  • Drop off your child only at the awning area (side and back) where staff members are located.
  • Please do not use your cell phone while driving.
  • Be on campus prior to 7:30 a.m.
  • Bring your child into the school through the front doors if no one is located at the drop-off areas after 7:35 a.m.


For the safety of your children, please have your dismissal number tag (hanging from your car mirror) that matches your child’s number on his/her bookbag tag. These numbers may be obtained during Open House. The car rider pick-up line runs from 2:10 –2:40 p.m.

And, please:

  • Drive safely and responsibly on campus. Your car tags must always be visible.
  • Drive slowly in the parking lots and when entering and leaving campus.
  • Be patient with staff, students, and other drivers, especially the first few weeks of school everyone is learning the routine.
  • Music volume needs to be kept at a minimum.
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